
Publications featuring Abviris technology

Peer-reviewed scientific publications:

Blatt S, Pabst A, Zimmer S, Walter C, Al-Nawas B, Krüger M. Clinical efficacy of an antibody-based detection system for human papilloma virus infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Oral Investig. 2020. doi:10.1007/s00784-020-03601-0


Hilfrich, R.: Hautkrebsvorsorge PLUS − Die Früherkennung von HPV bedingten Plattenepithelkarzinomen in der dermatologischen Praxis; Akt. Dermatologie 2018; DOI


Weiland T, Eckert A, Tomazic PV, et al. DRH1 – a novel blood-based HPV tumour marker. EBioMedicine. 2020;56:102804. doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2020.102804


Conference abstracts and presentations:

Skaletz-Rorowski, A., Hilfrich, R., Michalik, C., Potthoff, A., Brockmeyer, N.H.: A blood-based tumor marker for the early detection and monitoring of HPV-induced anal cancer in HIV-patients. Jun 2019

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Other articles:

Weiland T. Neuer Marker bei HPV-induzierten Tumoren. Onko News Austria 2020;7-8


HPV-Tumormarker: Neue Chancen für Früherkennung & Therapiekontrolle. Diskurs Hautkrebs 2, 2020


Königs S. Schnelltest zur Früherkennung von HPV-induzierten Plattenepithelkarzinomen. Diskurs Hautkrebs 2, 2018


HPV and Cancer

Castellsague X, Alemany L, Quer M, Halec G, Quiros B, Tous S, Clavero O, Alos L, Biegner T, Szafarowski T, Alejo M, Holzinger D, Cadena E, Claros E, Hall G, Laco J, Poljak M, Benevolo M, Kasamatsu E, Mehanna H, Ndiaye C, Guimera N, Lloveras B, Leon X, Ruiz-Cabezas JC, Alvarado-Cabrero I, Kang CS, Oh JK, Garcia-Rojo M, Iljazovic E, Ajayi OF, Duarte F, Nessa A, Tinoco L, Duran-Padilla MA, Pirog EC, Viarheichyk H, Morales H, Costes V, Felix A, Germar MJ, Mena M, Ruacan A, Jain A, Mehrotra R, Goodman MT, Lombardi LE, Ferrera A, Malami S, Albanesi EI, Dabed P, Molina C, Lopez-Revilla R, Mandys V, Gonzalez ME, Velasco J, Bravo IG, Quint W, Pawlita M, Munoz N, de Sanjose S, Xavier Bosch F: ICO International HPV in Head and Neck Cancer Study Group: HPV Involvement in head and neck cancers: comprehensive assessment of biomarkers in 3680 patients; J Natl Cancer Inst 2016; 108:djv403


Gaertner L-M. : Prävalenz und klinischer Verlauf von Mundhöhlen- und Oropharynxkarzinomen von 1993 bis 2009 im Spiegel veränderter Therapie-Algorithmen. Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischenGrades Dr. med. an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, Betreuer: Prof. Dr. med. A. Dietz, A. Boehm. Veröffentlichung: 14. 7. 2016; als PDF unter: de:bsz:15-qucosa-206871 am 30. 11. 2017


Gillison ML., Chaturvedi AK., Anderson WF., Fakhry C.: Epidemiology of human papillomavirus-positive head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; J Clin Oncol 2015; 33:3235-3242


Susanne Hartwig, Stina Syrjänen, Géraldine Dominiak-Felden, Maria Brotons and Xavier Castellsagué: Estimation of the epidemiological burden of human papillomavirus-related cancers and non-malignant diseases in men in Europe: a review; BMC Cancer 2012, 12:30


Hilfrich, R.: Hautkrebsvorsorge PLUS − Die Früherkennung von HPV bedingten Plattenepithelkarzinomen in der dermatologischen Praxis; Akt. Dermatologie 2018; DOI


Kreimer AR1, Clifford GM, Boyle P, Franceschi S.: Human papillomavirus types in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas worldwide: a systematic review.; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005 Feb; 14(2): 467-75


Lohaus F, Linge A, Tinhofer I, et al.: HPV16 DNA status is a strong prognosticator of loco-regional control after postoperative radiochemotherapy of locally advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma: Results from a multicentre explorative study of the German Cancer Consortium Radiation Oncology Group (DKTK-ROG); Radiotherapy and Oncology 113 2014: 317–323


Maura L. Gillison: Human papillomavirus-related Diseases: Oropharynx Cancers and Potential Implications for Adolescent HPV Vaccination; Adolesc Health. 2008 October; 43(4 Suppl): S52–S60; doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2008.07.002


Ndiaye C, Mena M, Alemany L, Arbyn M, Castellsague X, Laporte L, Bosch FX, de Sanjose S, Trottier H: PV DNA, E6/E7 mRNA, and p16INK4a detection in head and neck cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis; H. Lancet Oncol 2014; 15:1319-1331


Per Attner, Juan Du, Anders Na ¨sman, Lalle Hammarstedt, Torbjo ¨rn Ramqvist, Johan Lindholm, Linda Marklund, Tina Dalianis and Eva Munck-Wikland: Human papillomavirus and survival in patients with base of tongue cancer; Int. J. Cancer 2011; 128: 2892–2897


Dimitrios Raptis, Ignaz Schneider, Klaus E. Matzel, Oliver Ott, Rainer Fietkau, Werner Hohenberger: Differenzialdiagnose und interdisziplinäre Therapie des Analkarzinoms; Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2015 April; Jg. 112, Heft 14


Ka˚ re G. Sunesen, Mette Nørgaard3 Ole Thorlacius-Ussing and Søren Laurber: Immunosuppressive disorders and risk of anal squamous cell carcinoma: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark, 1978–2005; Int. J. Cancer: 127, 675–684 (2010)


Thomas Weiland, Alexander Eckert, Peter Valentin Tomazic, Axel Wolf, Prisca Pondorfer, Sarah Vasicek, Matthias Graupp, Clemens Holzmeister, Ulrich Moser, Alexandros Andrianakis, Georg Kangler, Peter Kiss, Luka Brcic, Matthias Kappler, Claudia Wickenhauser, Anja Haak, Maximilian Krüger, Bilal Al-Nawas, Sebastian Blatt, Norbert Brockmeyer, Adriane Skaletz-Rorowski, Anja Potthoff, Lars E. French, Sara Charnowski, Markus Reinholz, Andreas M. Kaufmann, Sarah Thies, Hans-Georg Lambrecht, Barbara Seliger, Dominik C. Wild, Dietmar Thurnher: DRH1 – a novel blood-based HPV tumour marker; EBioMedicine published by THE LANCET; June 11, 2020


Weiland, T., Tomazic, P.V., Wolf, A., Brcic, L., Pondorfer, P., Vasicek, S., Holzmeister, C.,Graupp, M., Lambrecht, H., Thurnher, D.: DRH1 – Evaluating a blood-based marker for HPV16-induced tumors. EUROGIN Dec 2019


Condylomata Acuminata and Cancer

Caroline Nordenvall, Ellen T. Chang, Hans-Olov Adami and Weimin Ye: Cancer risk among patients with condylomata acuminata; Int. J. Cancer: 119, 888-893 (2006)

Lupus Erythematodes and Cancer

D. Dey, E Kenu and DA Isenberg: Cancer complicating systemic lupus erythematosus – a ichotomy emerging from a nested case-control study; Lupus (2013) 22, 919-927


Lene Dreyer, Mikkel Faurschou,Mette Mogensen, and Søren Jacobsen: High Incidence of Potentially Virus-Induced Malignancies in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM Vol. 63, No. 10, October 2011, pp 3032–3037 DOI 10.1002/art.30483


Bernatsky et al: Cancer risk in systemic lupus: An updated international multi-centre cohort study;


Nath R, Mant C, Luxton J, Hughes G, Raju KS, Shepherd P, et al. : High risk of human papillomavirus type 16 infections and of development of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions in systemic lupus erythematosus patients; Arthritis Rheum. 2007 May 15; 57(4): 619–25


Hjalmar Wadström, Elizabeth V. Arkema, Christopher Sjo wall,Johan Askling and Julia F. Simard: Cervical neoplasia in systemic lupus erythematosus:a nationwide study; Rheumatology 2017;56:613-619


Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cancer

René Corditz, Lene Mellemkjaer, Bente Glintborg, Merete Lund Hetland, Ole Rintek Madsen, Inger Marie Jensen Hansen and Lene Dreyer: Risk of virus-asssociated cancer in female arthritis patients treated with biological DMARDs – a cohort study; Rheumatology 2016:55:1017-1022


K. Hemminki, X. Li, K. Sundquist and J. Sundquist: Cancer risk in hospitalized rheumatoid arthritis patients; Rheumatology 2008; 47: 698 – 701


Parikh-Patel: Risk of cancer among rheumatoid arthritis patients in California; Cancer Causes Control. 2009 August; 20 (6): 1001 – 1010


HIV/AIDS and Cancer

Chang-Hua Chen, Chih-Yuan Chung, Li-Hsuan Wang Che Lin, Hsiu-Li Lin and Hsiu-Chen Lin10: Risk of cancer among HIV-infected patients from a population-based nested case–control study: implications for cancer prevention; BMC Cancer (2015) 15:133; DOI 10.1186/s12885-015-1099-y


Eric A. Engels, Robert J. Biggar, H. Irene Hall, Helene Cross, Allison Crutchfield, Jack L. Finch, Rebecca Grigg, Tara Hylton, Karen S. Pawlish, Timothy S. McNeel and James J. Goedert: Cancer risk in people infected with human immunodeficiency virus in the United States; Int. J. Cancer: 123, 187–194 (2008)


Fuchs W., Wieland U., Skaletz-Rorowski A., Brockmeyer NH., Swoboda J., Kreuter A., Michalik C., Potthoff A., Competence Network for HIV/AIDS: The male ScreenING Study: prevalence of HPV-related genital and anal lesions in an urban cohort of HIV-positive men in Germany; J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016 Jun; 30(6): 995-1001. doi: 10.1111/jdv.13539. Epub 2016 Feb 1


Gary M. Clifford, Jerry Polesel, Martin Rickenbach, Luigino Dal Maso, Olivia Keiser, Andreas Kofler, Elisabetta Rapiti, Fabio Levi, Gernot Jundt, Thomas Fisch, Andrea Bordoni, DanielDe Weck : Cancer Risk in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: Associations With Immunodeficiency, Smoking, and Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy; JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 97, Issue 6, 16 March 2005, Pages 425–432,


Ka˚ re G. Sunesen, Mette Nørgaard3 Ole Thorlacius-Ussing and Søren Laurberg: Immunosuppressive disorders and risk of anal squamous cell carcinoma: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark, 1978–2005; Int. J. Cancer 2010; 127: 675–684


Bernd P. Kost, Jörg Hofmann, Susanne Stoellnberger, Florian Bergauer, Thomas Blankenstein, Irene Alba-Alejandre, Angela Stein, Claudia Stuckart, Katharina Weizsäcker, Ioannis Mylonas, Sven Mahner and Andrea Gingelmaier: Prevalence of human papillomavirus infection of the anal canal in women: A prospective analysis of high-risk populations; Oncol Lett. 2017 Apr;13(4):2495-2501. doi: 10.3892/ol.2017.5714. Epub 2017 Feb 10


Skaletz-Rorowski, A., Hilfrich, R., Michalik, C., Potthoff, A., Brockmeyer, N.H.: A blood-based tumor marker for the early detection and monitoring of HPV-induced anal cancer in HIV-patients. Jun 2019

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HPV induced Cancer and elevated Risk in Follow Up Time and for Partners

Maaike C.G. Bleeker, Cornelis J.A. Hogewoning, Feja J. Voorhorst, Adriaan J.C. van den Brule, Johannes Berkhof,Albertus T. Hesselink, Marjolein Lettink1, Theo M. Starink, Tom J. Stoof, Peter J.F. Snijders and Chris J.L.M. Meijer: HPV-Associated Flat Penile Lesions in Men of a Non-STD Hospital Population Less Frequent and Smaller in Size than in Male Sexual Partners of Women with CIN; Int. J. Cancer: 113, 36–41 (2005)


K Hemminki, C Dong, M Frisch:Tonsillar and other upper aerodigestive tract cancers among cervical cancer patients and their husbands; European Journal of Cancer Pre¨ention 2000, 9, 433]437; (Received 16 September 2000; accepted 6 October 2000)


K Hemminki, C Dong P. Vaittinen: Second Primary Cancer after in Situ and Invasive Cervical Cancer; Epidemiology: July 2000- Volume 11 – Issue 4 – p 457 – 461



s2k Leitlinie zu HPV-assoziierte Läsionen der äußeren Genitalregion und des Anus – Genitalwarzen und Krebsvorstufen der Vulva, des Penis und der peri- und intraanalen Haut
